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Japan Day Two & Three

Japan Day Two & Three

Please see our YouTube video for most of the goings-on from Day Two and Three! 

Below are some of the Koi purchased.

Beautiful Sakai Yamamatsu Kohaku from Toshi's tategoi pond! It always helps to ask if the breeders have anything tucked away. This Kohaku includes azukari for 2024. Highly recommended.

Marudo Kohaku and Sanke purchased, lovely examples. There were plenty more we could have had to! Narrowing It down we made the selections for these four.

Otsuka was next on the hit list! A range of variety, most of which the best examples you'll find at Otsuka. Aka Matsuba, Asagi, Ki Matsuba and Chagoi from the Monbee 120cm bloodline.

On a roll, we crossed the road and went to Kawakami. Master of Goshiki. Chuffed to have secured these. Spoilt for choice here, we had 20 or so in the bowl, mixture of male and females. In the end we decided on the best 3 females, and here they are! All different, and all great examples.

Nothing was stopping us today, if only every day in the mountains could be like this!

Further up the hills we went to Hiroi Conias. A staple for any trip to Niigata. Doitsu varieties, Gin Rin and every price point imaginable. We behaved and bagged some special pieces from the top female pond, along with a tidy Gin Rin Tancho Goshiki for a customer order.
