Pond Detox Formula is a blend of naturally occurring materials whose properties can  detoxify pond water harmlessly. For example, heavy or acidic rain can trigger irritation in fish, make them lethargic, and trigger more serious reactions . Tap water contains chlorine , chloramine, heavy metals , and other pollutants that are all harmful to fish. Plants can release toxins and even a small amount of sap from certain plants during gardening can cause fish losses if it gets into the pond . Horticultural products can also be splashed accidentally into ponds .  The accidental over dose of a pond treatment product is yet another potential risk to fish and so are many airborne pollutants particular in urban areas . PDF can also help reduce the toxicity of ammonia and nitrite when a filter is immature or there has been a filter crash or bacterial die back .PDF can also be useful in quarantine, hospital, or temporary tanks.
In some cases, fish are only mildly affected by a contaminant such as acid rain and will respond to the lower dose of PDF . Fish are at greater risk during a severe contamination and will need the larger more frequent use of PDF as a neutralising agent . Fish are susceptible to disease when exposed to toxins and PDF neutralises pollution to optimise fish health. Every case varies depending on the actual contaminant and how severe the reaction in the fish is . PDF is harmless  and overdose impossible .
Do not mix PDF with other products as this can prevent  the fish getting all the benefits .
 PDF can be sprinkled on the pond surface  for a faster reaction than dissolving it in pond water.
Dosing Instructions:
If the fish are irritated or lethargic use 2 tablespoons of PDF per 1000 gallons every 2 hours until the fish improve. In a serious contamination use a double dose every hour . The product is harmless.