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Incase you didn't know... Konnichiwa translates to Hello!

If you've landed on this page, then you've probably realised that our website is now live!!

The site is developing daily so please bear with us while make final changes. New products are being added weekly, along with general functionalities and key features that we hope you'll love once up and running. We have many plans for the website and the general customer experience, so keep tuned.

We are currently operating online-only for now. 99% of orders are sent on a Next-Day service providing the order has been received by 1pm, while we streamline our service we hope you don't suffer any delays, but just incase you do be assured we're working around the clock to assist with any queries and/or issues that may arise. The majority of items you see on our site we stock ourselves, for any items that appear out of stock or ones that may be sent direct from our suppliers, we will contact you to make you aware. In this instance, deliveries may take a little longer.

Our new retail premises is currently in the planning stages and we look forward to sharing updates with you as and when they happen. We aim to start buying Koi this autumn, with the view to keep them in Japan till Spring which is when they'll be shipped (some may warrant staying as azukari for the 2024 season). We are extremely fortunate to have the relationships in Japan to allow us to do this. Our order book will be open when the fish buying season starts, so if you're on the hunt for that special Koi, or something you're yet to source, then make sure to get in touch and see if we can fulfil your desires! We have a proven track record of sourcing customer orders in Japan, but remember. A £100 Grand Champion is a tough ask!

To get the most out of your website experience please sign up for an account towards the top of the page, here you'll be able to track orders, see previous orders, view/edit account details and also comment and make conversation on our blog posts. It will also be the source for tracking any Shosha Koi auctions you may have bids on with us.

The News pages across the top of the website will be populated gradually. Here you'll find our latest news regarding the shop and general business goings-on. You'll be kept informed with Japan News, Koi show news and much more. The Koi Library will be the basis of our Koi-education section.  Over time we will populate the library with articles about Koi appreciation, water quality, parasite identification and treatment, a range of How-To-Videos and much much more.

Take a look around, get comfy and join us for the Shosha Koi journey.
